About Us
Our experience in falconry
Today, we can look back on the decades that we spent with our proud feathered friends. Looking back on those days, we at Roots Falconry would not want to miss a single day indeed. There is only one way to get comprehensive experience and have success in falconry—if someone is absolutely dedicated and intensively engaged in falconry over many years, as we at Roots Falconry are. Yes, of course, there must be a very positive and close relationship between one feat hered friends… Contact Us
We at Roots Falconry were also intensively engaged in the classical form of hunting with falcons, which enabled us to collect valuable experience and mirrored our success in breeding. We have also successfully been hunting with Falcons and Golden Eagles for years, and later I began to breed Falcons with success. By the way, our first hunting falcons were Lanner [Falco biarmicus], Peregrines [Falco Peregrinus], Saker [Falco Cherrug], Gyrfalcons [Falco Rusticolus], later Gyr/Saker [Falco Rusticolus/Falco Cherrug] and also Gyr/Peregrines [Falco Rusticolus/Falco Peregrinus]...MORE➥